Hello, hello, my fellow tranny aficionados. I’ve found a little something different for us to enjoy today. I stumbled across this site a few days ago, and after careful consideration, decided it should be included here.
Now, I say ‘careful’ consideration, because it was clear I wasn’t going to have any nice, big tranny pics to give you. This site simply didn’t offer that sort of thing. So what I have to show you are merely some screencaps of tranny videos. If you like what you see here, you may want to check it out further.
However, I got a chance to see the videos in the member’s area, and they are smokin’ hot. The kind that makes your cock stand up straight and tall and proud to be an American. Or an Englishman, a Frenchman, an Iraqi, or whatever you and your dick happen to be.
Okay, the site is called Totally Tranny, and, as already mentioned, their focus is shemale sex on video.
Now, odds are, if you enjoy the sight of one tranny body, curvy in some places, hard in others, you are going to enjoy the site of two tranny bodies twice as much.
Then if you add in shemale sex, it will be so much fun you can hardly stand it.
Gotta love those tan lines! Not to mention the dick on the blonde. It looks pretty sweet bobbing up and down as she slides up and down the cock in her ass. She’s got some massive ass nipples on her tranny titties. I’m not sure I could open my mouth far enough to suck a whole one in.
But I’d damn sure try!
You just have to love a limber t-girl. See how that leg is jacked up all the better to ass fuck her? You gotta know that this tranny whore is gonna be strokin’ her meat while her ass gets stuffed full of cock. It might just be me, but I think her nipples are practically begging to be pinched and twisted.
Now, her I picked just because I think she’s a pretty. By now, you all have got to be noticin’ that I’m a sucker for a long haired shemale. I’m a sucker for alot of other things, but that is a story for another time. Right now, I’m talking about this brunette honey.
She goes by Busty Britney, and I think she came by the name honest.
Christ in the morning, did we hit the jackpot, or what! Not only do we get tranny sex, but we get interracial tranny sex to boot.
Sometimes, life is just too good to be believed.
This vid was my personal favorite. These two having down and dirty 69 at Totally Tranny was more than I could handle.
So I had to get ahold of myself. Literally.