We’ve now exhausted the supply of new shebabes that have joined the Ladyboy Gold stable. I definitely give them 2 Cocks Ups for acquiring such a lovely batch of stunning shemales! For all you ladyboy fans, we’ll be sure to keep an eye out for more updates from this bevy of shemale babes.
For now, let us turn to Nung. Nung practically defines passable, and is a true beauty. The bad news is that Nung doesn’t get naked. That took my cock to half mast.
Then I took another look at her, and decided that it was okay, and that I could just use my imagination. And everything sprang back to life. 😉
She kind of looks like one of those roaring 20’s flapper girls in that skirt. I highly approve of it. It’s short, and it lends itself to easy access.
This is Nung’s official bio from the site:
With beauty that would bring ANY man to his knees, Nung is the ultimate Ladyboy girlfriend fantasy. Nung is our only non nude Ladyboy, but with those looks and personality we could never say no to this angel and wanted to share this rare gem with the world. Nung prefers to share her most intimate parts with her lovers one on one, and teases by modeling in sex fitted outfits that display her amazing assets. You’ll be lost forever in Nung’s creamy body and big blue eyes. Ladyboy Gold is the ONLY website to ever see Ladyboy Nung.
I’m not sure at all with the reddish cast to the lighting in this set, but Nung doesn’t look Asian at all to me in these pics. If you guys think I am totally wrong, let me know, but I am just not seeing it. She looks more like a farm fresh girl from Iowa or something than an Asian Shemale.
~snaps mental fingers~
Those Hemingway broads…Margot and Muriel…*that* is who she looks like to me.
~sighs~ So close, and yet so far.
Just another inch or so, and we’d have had a stellar nipple shot.
Yum-fuckin’-yum, I tell you what!
Until next time, shemale aficionados!